What's Your Favorite Rowing Machine?

Well I cannot really speak to any specifics, because the only one I use is the one that is in the local gym here, and I really have no idea which model it is. That said, though, in the short time I have been here I have already been introduced to some interesting ones that I really like, notably the incline one. There are a lot more options than I anticipated, which is certainly good news. I am curious to learn more about the difference between them all, though, so thank you for sharing.
In my opinion as a former professional rower I would always go for the Concept2. It's durability is amazing and the feeling is surprisingly similar to rowing in a real boat (Of course still nowhere near - nothing beats the feeling of sitting in your Empacher and listening to every single stroke).

I've put together an article that describes different rowing machines and of course Concept2 is my favourite but I've also added some cheaper alternatives for those who think it's way to expensive.

If any of you have inputs - let me know. Hope it can help some of you choosing the right machine.
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